아라의 글로벌 마인드 칼럼..think globally [댓글 불허 블로그]

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영화,TV 드라마,음악 등 | 글자 크기 조절: 크게 | 작게 2007. 11. 19. 16:59

watching movie especially good one


If you would like to watching movie especially good one, you can just go here http://www.imdb.com/chart/top (After that, you feel like you want to have some more, you can visit here AFI's 100 years.. 100 movies http://www.afi.com/tvevents/100years/movies.aspx and Time magazine All-time 100 movies http://www.time.com/time/2005/100movies/the_complete_list.html. You can find some other websites, too.)

I am really enjoy watching it. I strongly suggest that do NOT use subtitles.
I was regretted that I couldn't watch it more earlier and why didn't I learn English more earlier.
