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페르시아 왕자 시간의 모래 (Prince of Persia : The Sand of the Time) http://asrai21c.tistory.com/6 라는 글로 요약을 했습니다만은 아라의 영어 제대로 배우기 - 의사소통 안 되는 영어가 영어인가? http://kr.blog.yahoo.com/asrai21c/ 라는 블로그를 정리하고 있기 때문에 백업용으로 남겨둡니다.

즐겨찾기에 추가를 할 수가 없어서, 그냥 몇개 붙여 넣겠습니다. 이 글은 예전에 제 블로그에http://www.xanga.com/ara21c 적은 글입니다. (현재 주소는 http://ara21c.blogspot.com/ 입니다.)


Saturday, March 26, 2005

Do you like play the game?

I just finished play the game Prince of Persia : The Sand of the Time. It is so much fun. I would love to play. Many people remember the Prince of persia. That was very old game so I thought not many people know about that game but, I did wrong. Many people are know that game and remember it.

I played that game in Playstation 2, when I visited my friend's house. It was quite impressive so I thought I want to play the game. But, that time I have a laptop computer so I couldn't play. Later, I bought a computer(I sold out my laptop computer.) but, that computer could not play the prince of persia, too. Something happens and then I bought a computer, again. And I played that game and finished.

I feel like played movie, you know. Each stage has movie and it used automatic camera so it feels like that. Someone likes watching movie or playing action game, I really suggest to play this game.