아라의 글로벌 마인드 칼럼..think globally [댓글 불허 블로그]

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삶과 책 | 글자 크기 조절: 크게 | 작게 2006. 10. 13. 02:44

North Korea has nuclear weapon so what?


저의 영어 블로그(http://ara21c.blogspot.com/)에 올린 것을 참고용으로 야후 블로그에도 올렸던 겁니다.


2:32AM Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I would like to listen the LBC radio through internet. This is speech raio in London. I do not live in there, but I would like to hear people's opinion about something. And it is interesting, too.
I do not exactly remember, but almost every half an hour I can hear about the north Korea's nuclear test. I understand people's fear but how about other country. A lot of country have nuclear weapon, they are not?

North Korea sounds like quite different from other country but it was quite same. They are just communist country like China with something bit more.(I think their country's culture was more like kingdom style which is exist long time ago.)
I do not know much about terrorism but they did not do a lot of terror to other country, did they? If I am not mistaken, north Korea sold some weapon to Iraq or some other country and then they became terrible country to all over the world. But, other country also sold some weapone to Iraq or some other country, is it not?

What makes so special about the north Korea? Is there any famous terrorist group in the north Korea?

I am Korean. I understand if it is terribly hot issue in south Korea. Personally, I am not worry about that because I do not believe north Korea use nuclear weapon for against south Korea. I just think that they are use it for political power only. I know some of my friend will say that too easy thinking but that is what I believe.

Anyway, I am just curious about why other countries are so much concern about north Korea.
