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2006. 12. 29. 23:24
[스크랩] Earthquake knocks Asia back to phone age, and beyond
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출처 : International Herald Tribune, Seth Mydans님의 기사 Earthquake knocks Asia back to phone age, and beyond http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/12/27/news/cut.php @ December 27, 2006
저작권 문제로 삭제합니다.
출처 : International Herald Tribune, Seth Mydans님의 기사 Earthquake knocks Asia back to phone age, and beyond http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/12/27/news/cut.php @ December 27, 2006
BANGKOK - It was a tsunami for the digital age, a collapse of the virtual world that radiated through much of Asia and beyond after an undersea earthquake late Tuesday off the coast of Taiwan.
People woke Wednesday to find themselves without e-mail or the Internet and, in some cases, without telephone connections, cut off from the real world around them.