아라의 글로벌 마인드 칼럼..think globally [댓글 불허 블로그]

[ 사회 참여 활동은 작은 참여로부터 시작된다. ]

앵무새 죽이기 - 10점
하퍼 리 지음, 김욱동 옮김/문예출판사

2006/12/30 - [Life] - 앵무새 죽이기 (to kill a mockingbird) - 마지막 장을 넘기기 싫었던 책

I do not want to finish reading because I really love to staying that beautiful moment.
It was extremely good story. I do not want to talk about how I felt because it was not enough to express how I felt.

I am really happy to read this book and I will keep this book for myself and definitely read again.
I believe it was one of best book and it was my most favourite story.

You ought to read this. You will not regret.