아라의 글로벌 마인드 칼럼..think globally [댓글 불허 블로그]

[ 사회 참여 활동은 작은 참여로부터 시작된다. ]

삶과 책 | 글자 크기 조절: 크게 | 작게 2006. 10. 13. 02:42

Talk is cheap. However, talk is expensive.


저의 영어 블로그(http://ara21c.blogspot.com/)에 올린 것을 참고용으로 야후 블로그에도 올렸던 겁니다.

2:00AM Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Do you know why talk is cheap? Because, you can do anything and you can be anyone by only talk. I met some people who were kindly offer me something and then they never did. So they did it to me by only talk. That is why talk is cheap.

However, do you know why talk is expensive? I read some book and explain that people who were public speaker or presentation to people are made a lot of profit for talk. Why they are expensive for the presentation or talk? Because, their talk are probably information. I mean very accurate information. You already knew about information is power and money, right? That is why talk is expensive.

I will talk about this a lot in the future.
I know nobody visit my blog. That I do not care. Anyway, I will make my website about this kind of thought and I will move my Korean blog to there.
It will be a quite interesting website.

^_~ Ara


------------------------ 야후 블로그에서의 댓글들
06/10/14 (토) 오전 12:02   [워너비]
I read this diary. some sentence understand but some sentence not understand. I write English well, understand me~ thank you for your blog.

06/10/14 (토) 오후 12:15
If you follow my instruction well, some day you will understand. If you want to learn something, you have to spend a lot of time for learning. So do not worry about it. You are welcome, anyway.

06/10/14 (토) 오후 12:23
You should say, "When I read this diary, I can understand half of it. I don't understand the others. I can write English well(or I wrote English correctly) so you should understand me." like this. There have many ways to express it so it is just one example and I do not know what exactly you want to say so it can be other way.

07/09/21 (금) 오전 4:15   [워너비]
I read this diary and ur reply again. U r correct! I can understand now this diary and your reply. I want to say that Thank u, really thank u.
And then, Today when I read ur story(?)(article? Ah.. I cant remember English word), I thought how can i think logically. Can u explain to me?
Andy~ from Philiphin~ 

07/09/24 (월) 오후 8:17
You are welcome.
That word-story- would be fine so no worries.
Thinking logically was not easy for Asian but you can learn from books or good article from the magazines or talking with western people.
It takes a lot of time to learn but someday it will pay it all:-)
And my books will be explain by logic so you can learn from it, too.
